Events | Calendar | Archive of past events
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(please note that some of these Events are only open to Marden Horticultural Society members)

Coach trip Horniman Museum & Gardens
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Late Flowering Perennials and Grasses
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AGM + talk ‘The Plight of the Bumblebee’
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Fear and Desire, the History and Mystery of the Garden Grotto
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Caryn Bird Photographic Competition ‘Seedheads, Berries or Fruits’
£20 vouchers to the winners

Water Gardens: a talk on water
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Bee Walk with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Bumblebees play a crucial role in pollinating crops and wildflowers

Evening visit to Chambers Farm Flowers
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Evening visit to Chambers Farm Flowers
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Caryn Bird Photographic Competition ’Wildlife in the Garden’
£20 voucher and a trophy to the winner, £10 to the runner up

How Artists and Garden Designers lead us up the garden path
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Think beyond the flower perennials for winter structure
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