Photo Gallery
MHS events | Members’ gardens | Instagram photos (opens in new tab)
Our Instagram account is “@mardengardeners”
To share any of your photos with other members, add #mardengardeners (if your account is not private)
September 28th - RHS Wisley

August 20th - Bee Walk at Marden Meadow

June 29th - visit to Kew Gardens

June 11th and 12th - visits to Chambers Farm Flowers

Sept 12th - the entries in the Display of Seasonal Produce

July 4th - the Summer Social and Craft Fair

June 17th - a visit to Winchelsea Secret Garden.

June 3rd - the first Charity Cream Tea in a member’s garden since the pandemic, at Jane and Lester’s in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and the Marden Food Bank.

May 13th - a chilly day but a very successful Plant Sale

May 14th - the sun shone on our Plant Sale

February 15th - a visit to Knowle Hill Farm for the snowdrops

A garden for galanthophiles

Mr Darcy, the dog, enjoys living among the snowdrops

Mr & Mrs Darcy, MHS members, enjoying them too

More than 100 varieties and counting

2021 - beginning to get back to normal

Liz on the craft stall at the Social Evening

An opportunity to get together at last

And we had a mini Plant Sale

Things are beginning to feel normal

Good to be out and about at Great Comp

Plenty to photograph in the gardens

Jill investigates the giant hydrangea

A bit of a shower at Cacketts Farm

But the sun came out for tea
2019 - unaware of the impending pandemic

The Plant Sale in May

The Plant Sale in May

The Plant Sale in May

Cream tea in a member's garden

Cream tea in a member's garden

Cream tea in a member's garden

Winner of the Name the Gnome competition

Visit to Leonardslee Gardens in June

Nick Bailey helps with the chairs after his talk at the November meeting

Christmas meeting