Our history
The origins of the present Marden Horticultural Society go back to the Marden Cottage Gardeners Mutual Improvement Society which existed in the 1920’s and 1930’s when the main event of the year was the Annual flower Show in August with separate classes for Professionals, Amateurs and Cottagers!
The 1939 - 45 war turned the old order upside down and after the war a group of keen young gardeners founded the Marden Produce Association. Monthly meetings took place in local pubs, competitive shows were arranged and the society became affiliated to the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies.
About 1960 this became Marden Horticultural Society and the name has been retained to the present day. Gradually the meetings and shows were moved to the Memorial Hall and much more recently in 2008, to the Vestry Hall.The competitive shows fell away and now the emphasis is on providing interesting speakers at our monthly meetings with the occasional members Competition; we also arrange several visits to gardens and places of interest each year.
The society remains affiliated to the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies and also the Royal Horticultural Society.